Health & Well-being

February 17, 2022

Seeing by Vision, Not by Sight

By Lisa Jane

If you've read Sally's article 'How the Pandemic has Changed Your Brain' you will be aware that if you are still in a bit of a funk after the holiday season, it may just be the pandemic taking its toll on you. 

Since the topic focus for this month was 'getting out of that funk', I thought that it was fitting that Amanda Heal, an inspirational lady that I have connected with over the past few years, shared a story that she was featured in. The article featured in CanberraWeekly, 'First blind student integrated in ACT schools writes self-help book', shares some of the obstacles she has had to overcome not only during her school years, but also as recently as the onset of the pandemic. Oh, if you haven't guessed by the title of the article, Amanda is blind and has been since birth! 

Since being made redundant from her position as a government lawyer, she's had to find her feet and forge a new path. In doing so, she has discovered her purpose and discovered how she can help others discover their purpose. Part of her journey has allowed her to develop strategies for those times that you find yourself in that 'funk'! 

Sadie - Guide Dog

Amanda's Guide Dog, Sadie

Amanda has started a great podcast that can help you lead a meaningful life that will be in line with your inner compass! 

If you need a bit of inspiration to get out of the 'February Funk', or would like to purchase her book "Seeing by Vision, Not by Sight", check out Amanda's website - Purpose Vision Future

Lisa Jane

I believe in a holistic approach to health and fitness and making small, incremental changes to improve your lifestyle. It isn’t about how you stack up against everyone else, it's about how you feel about yourself! It’s more than your exercise or your food, it is your attitude and your well-being!

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